Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Not a Crisis

Our ObamaNation wonders why those in power consider health care to be in crisis?

First, 87% of Americans are happy with their health care.

Second, President Obama and Congress just spent $800 billion to stimulate the economy. Now there are 40 million in America without insurance so that means that if this stimulus had been used to purchase health care for the uninsured a $5000 policy could have been purchased for each uninsured in America each year of Obama's 4 year term in office. What could have given more stimulus to an economy than directly addressing a so called crisis?

Now Congress did not do this because Congress needs so called crisis to get you to give up your liberties and freedoms. Moreover, Congress needed to instead give the money to those that helped Democrats and Obama get elected as a reward for their support.

The only crisis in America is our willingness as a people to give away our freedom and liberty every time government declares this or that to be a crisis.

Just say No to Obama and Congress.