Our ObamaNation has learned that Thomas Sowell has written the following:
"Many people may not see the painful irony in politicians trying to keep other people honest."
Ask yourself the following question.
Do you any reason to believe those elected to serve care more about you as a customer than a private business does?
Please remember in a business transition you are negotiating directly with another individual who benefits from you being happy with the outcome.
Do you really think that under ObamaDontCare that President and Former Community Organizer Barack H'insane Obama is going to care if you are happy with your medical outcome assuming you actually survive based on this care or more likely the lack of such care.
Harry Connick - Honestly Now Lyrics
Honestly now...
Either you stand for something
Or you get knocked down for nothing
Sister don't ache too soon
I thought it was understood
By everyone in this room
Who'd ever come up short or won a race
Safety's just danger
...out of place
Truly now...
People play tricks of the mind
Shadows only follow behind
Sister stay still
I thought it was the nature
Of all on malvern's hill
Who'd taken a lead off third base
Safety's just danger
...out of place
Honestly now...
If fate were to follow fortune
And clarity trail distortion
Sister on alert
Pay close attention
To fingerprints in the dust
And fallen feet that leave no trace
Safety's just danger
...out of place
Sincerely now...
I requested information
At a roadside station
Sister it seems absurd
To be hammering pith
Like a poet with a loss for words
Trying to describe an angel's face
Safety's just danger
...out of place
Honestly now...
Wholly in demand
Coming off second hand
Sister don't unravel
When there's nowhere to go
Except lawless travel
And an end to infinity's space
Safety's just danger
...out of place