Our ObamaNation has learned that 75 federally insured banks have failed in 2009 which is 3 times the number of failures in the past 8 years combined.
President Obama stated that without his TARP extension the number of bank closures would have been in the millions.
In other news, the deficit is approaching $2 trillion, the debt is approaching $12 trillion, the percentage of unemployment is nearing 10%, the number of Americans out of work approaching 15 million, the number of American under employed approaching 5 million, hiring rate the lowest in history, wages are going down, home foreclosures are approaching an all time high, hundreds of banks on the edge of closure, the number of soldiers being killed on foreign soil is again escalating, Iran is getting the bomb and threatening to use it, the swine flu is running ramped, gas and home heating fuel prices are going up, 2 of the 3 American auto makers are now under government control, Democrats and the President are holding town Hall meetings to tell you how they are going to increase the price of energy and reduce the quality of your health care, and President Obama and Secretary of State Clinton are planning to hold a join news conference to once again apologize for everything that America has done in the past and to tell all Americans who do not agree with them on every issue that we Americans are evil mongers who are acting stupidly.
The good new is the earth's global temperature is falling and there are still plans to hold elections in 2010 and 2012; however, both are subject to change.
Welcome to change you can believe in.
Enjoy America while there is still an America to enjoy.