Our ObamaNation has learned that the Lockerbie bomber was given a hero's welcome by Libyan leader Colonel Gaddafi.
White House Press Secretary Robert 'Ogee' Gibbs stated the President is disappointed that the celebration of the bombers release has been so over the top in the Muslim world. Gibbs added the President is also disappointed that as a large Muslim nation the United States has been too reserved in our celebration of this release of a fellow freedom fighter. Gibbs explained that the President plans to apologize to the Muslim world for our religious bias the next time the President travels to the Mideast.
In other news, President and Former Community Organizer Barack H'insane Obama stated a major accomplishment of his administration was eliminating water boarding as a technique for interrogating freedom fighters.
Parody of Creed - Freedom Fighter Lyrics
Lockerbie bomber
He's just a freedom fighter
No remorse
Raging on in holy war
Soon there'll come a day
When you're face to face with him
Face to face with him