Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Human Reform

Let us be clear. President Obama like Congressman Barney Frank wants a single payer government run health care system. They desire a system where people in Washington DC make all the important decisions about your health and your life.

This is not health care reform. This is their plan for human reform. Under the Obama / Frank plan people in Washington DC will be telling you what you can and cannot eat, drink, smoke, drive, ride, do, own, and enjoy.

Our current set of nanny state laws such as seat belt laws, helmet laws, smoking laws, trans fat laws, zoning laws, building permit laws, fire alarm laws, gun laws, registration laws are only the tip of the ice berg if we allow those in Washington DC to dictate what we will have to do to qualify for government run health care.

Let us not be Franked. Just say no to Obama.