Our ObamaNation has learned that President Obama has decided that Americans are simply acting stupidly in their opposition to Obama Care.
Senator Boxer stated sure the well dressed have good health care but what about health care for those Americans that simply cannot afford clothes.
Speaker Pelosi stated the insurance companies are villains and the CIA lied to her about health care. Speaker Pelosi then added she deserved a bigger jet.
Attorney General Holder stated the American people are simply cowards when its comes to speaking out honestly about the need for socialist medicine especially for those of color.
Senator Reid stated we have a plan to add 2 billion to Cash for Doctors and is hopeful the plan can be extended to include all those in the medical field.
Congress Frank added that he will support any health care plan that includes the phrase single payer or bend over and grab your ankles.
Let us Not be Franked. Just say No to Obama.