Our ObamaNation has received on official White House letterhead the following:
You are ordered to cease using the phrase Former Community Organizer when referring to the President. The President remains a member in good standing with the Association of Community Organizations for Reform Now (ACORN) and continues to support federal taxpayer funding of ACORN and other organizations devoted to community service.
Our ObamaNation takes our duty to accurately provide information seriously. We promise to refer to the President as the President, Community Organizer, and Citizen of the World Barack H'insane 'ACORN' Obama in all future posts.
Our ObamaNation apologizes to the President, the Nation, and the World for this error. We in no way meant to imply that the President did not still have the skills and desire to be a first class A number one community organizer nor did we ever doubt his devotion and support for all the activities of ACORN and its members many of whom he personally mentored.