Our ObamaNation has learned that fellow world leader Ayman al-Zawahri stated the following about President, Former Community Organizer, and Citizen of the World Barack H'insane 'ACORN' Obama.
"America has come in a new, hypocritical face. Smiling at us, but stabbing us with the same dagger that Bush used. God willing, your end will be at the hands of the Muslim nation, so that the world and history will be free of your crimes and lies."
Ayman al-Zawahri added he would be happy to set down at a beer summit with President Obama and discuss how the President is acting stupidly and merely getting wee weed up about the threat posed by al-Qaida. Ayman al-Zawahri explained al-Qaida is looking forward to having a seat at the Obama table and believes that al-Qaida could play the same role internationally that ACORN does nationally for Obama. Ayman al-Zawahri stated community organizing is and has always been the primary mission of al-Qaida.
Ayman al-Zawahri joked that if Vice President Biden will show him the Biden cave he will show Biden his.
White House press Secretary Robert 'Ogee' Gibbs stated the President is considering apologizing for America's crimes and lies against al-Qaida the day the President closes 'Gitmo'. Gibbs added that the President has no intention of bowing to Ayman al-Zawahri unless Ayman al-Zawahri promises to bow afterwards.