Let us be clear. President Obama is clueless and no longer even able to debate the many straw men who dance endlessly on his teleprompter.
Here is a President that knows more about the arrest of one man in Boston than about the bills he is advocating in DC.
Here is a President that simply is not ready or able to assume the responsibilities of his office.
Here is a President who's every pitch is intelligently softer than his toss at the All Star game and who's level of respect for Americans and America is lower than his bowling score.
Here is a President who's friends lean far to the left and whose own ideas are to the left of his friends.
Here is a President that is willing to take short cuts with you health, security, property, freedom, and liberty simply because being President is in his mind not about you but is instead all about him.
Here is a President that is all about making himself and his friends more powerful and making you a ward of the state.
Here is a President who believes in changes that you simply do not believe in.