Our ObamaNation has learned that President Obama had the following to say concerning an altercation between an honor student and a safety patrol at an elementary school on Martha's Vineyard:
"Although I am unaware of the details, let me be clear the safety patrols acted stupidly. This is a teaching moment where all parties overacted but this is a young male students worst nightmare. I plan to invite both principle parties to the White House so they can talk it out over a root beer."
The male sixth grade honor student stated that he was taking home plate for a prop in his dramatic reading of 'Casey at The Bat' then adding "I simply could not believe she did not know who I was and knew nothing about my scheduled reading. Look it is not like I thought she was one of those ultra feminist who hates all men but come on."
The first grade Safety Patrol stated "I was notified by a student that someone was acting strangely at the ball field. When I arrived I noticed that home plate was missing. I ask a person to step out of the dugout, to identify himself, and to state whether others were in the dugout. He refused to come out or answer any of my questions. After other Safety Patrols arrived we took him to the principal's office where the drama teacher informed us she had given permission for this student to use home plate. I considered the matter resolved."