An Our ObamaNation News Brief
The unemployment rate reached 10.2% in October as business and Americans continue to realize that Obamaism, Pelosiism, Reidism, and Blue States translate to fewer jobs, larger debt, reduced freedom, and blue times.
When those no longer looking for work and those underemployed are added the unemployment rate approaches 20%.
White House Press Secretary Robert 'Ogee' Gibbs stated the President is seriously investigating what speech to give to at least give the impression the 1 trillion dollar Obama / Pelosi stimulus caused a few jobs to be saved or created and who besides Bush to blame for the fact that nothing the President does seems to amount to anything but a much larger pile of debt.
Mmm, mmm, mmm, Barack Hussein Obama
Play toy for Barney
Water boy for Nancy
Backdrop for Harry
Big flop for Lefty
Wetvac for Bushy
Voicebox for Telly