The Wisdom of the One
Smoking is fine as long as you do not do it around his children.
Reducing the deficit is best done by greatly increasing the number of people on the dole.
Most big business is evil but big business having unions are suppose to lose money and be bailed out by taxpayers.
Waterbroading is torture and sufficient reason to shutdown a good prison but violently suppressing your people is no reason to cancel a good picnic.
Saving a 150,000 union jobs at a million dollars each is money well spend independent of the millions of other jobs that are lost in the process.
Only secure bond holders are suppose to be delegated to the back of the bus.
Inspector generals, we don't need no stinking inspector generals looking into the business dealing of people who contribute to Democrat campaigns.
Any friend of mine is on the government dime.
Courage is voting present and asking permission to board.