The total pile of waste in the Democrat controlled Senate version of the Waste as Much as Quick and Irresponsibility ObamaNation Stimulus Act of 2009 is even larger than the total pile of waste favored by President Obama and passed by the Democrat controlled house.
The Senate waste totaled 829 billion which is nearly 17 billion more than the House version. By the time the Senate and House agree on a bill in the total pile of waste will most likely exceed 900 billion since combining two piles of waste in DC always results in a much larger pile of waste.
A spokesperson for the President stated we are happy the Senate and House have added more spending to our proposed amount.
Spokespeople for various ultra liberal groups were hoping that at least a trillion dollars in government waste would be directed their way. Adding look we are the ones repsonsible for getting Democrats elected and they owe us a lot more than 900 billion.