An Our ObamaNation News Brief
In the Obama clunker program, the cost to taxpayers was $24,000 per car.
Thursday, October 29, 2009
Tuesday, October 20, 2009
Self-Pitying Arrogance
An Our ObamaNation News Brief
Rich Lowry wrote the following:
"The acid test of the White House inevitably exposes a president’s character flaws: Nixon’s corrosive paranoia, Clinton’s self-destructive indiscipline, Bush’s stubborn defensiveness. Obama in the crucible is exhibiting an oddly self-pitying arrogance. It’s unbecoming in anyone, let alone the most powerful man on the planet. "
Rich Lowry wrote the following:
"The acid test of the White House inevitably exposes a president’s character flaws: Nixon’s corrosive paranoia, Clinton’s self-destructive indiscipline, Bush’s stubborn defensiveness. Obama in the crucible is exhibiting an oddly self-pitying arrogance. It’s unbecoming in anyone, let alone the most powerful man on the planet. "
Monday, October 19, 2009
No Job Obama Depression
An Our ObamaNation News Brief
Vice President Joe 'My Time' Biden stated the following about the current economy where the employment rate has risen to nearly 10% under the policies of the Obama administration:
"Well, it's a depression -- it's a depression for millions of Americans, through no fault of their own."
Vice President Joe 'My Time' Biden stated the following about the current economy where the employment rate has risen to nearly 10% under the policies of the Obama administration:
"Well, it's a depression -- it's a depression for millions of Americans, through no fault of their own."
Sunday, October 18, 2009
Mao as Role Model

An Our ObamaNation News Brief
Anita Dunn, the White House communications director, stated the following as speaker at a high school graduation about Mao who murdered betwen 40 and 70 million of his fellow country men:
“The third lesson and tip actually comes from two of my favorite political philosophers, Mao Tse-Tung and Mother Teresa. Not often coupled with each other, but the two people that I turn to most to basically deliver a simple point, which is: You’re going to make choices. . . . But here’s the deal: These are your choices; they are no one else’s. In 1947, when Mao Tse-Tung was being challenged within his own party on his own plan to basically take China over, Chiang Kai-Shek and the nationalist Chinese held the cities, they had the army. . . . They had everything on their side. And people said ‘How can you win . . . ? How can you do this against all of the odds against you?’ And Mao Tse-Tung says, ‘You fight your war and I’ll fight mine . . . ’ You don’t have to accept the definition of how to do things. . . . You fight your war, you let them fight theirs. Everybody has their own path.”
White House Press Secretary Robert 'Ogee' Gibbs stated that President Obama understands fully why Dunn would want to work for the President and have Mao as a role model.
Friday, October 16, 2009
Send in the Clowns
An Our ObamaNation news Brief
Charles Krauthammer wrote the following:
"The Russian leadership, hardly believing its luck, needs no interpreter to understand that when the Obama team clownishly rushes in bearing gifts and “reset” buttons, there is nothing ulterior, diabolical, clever, or even serious behind it. It is amateurishness, wrapped in naïveté, inside credulity. In short, the very stuff of Nobels."
Charles Krauthammer wrote the following:
"The Russian leadership, hardly believing its luck, needs no interpreter to understand that when the Obama team clownishly rushes in bearing gifts and “reset” buttons, there is nothing ulterior, diabolical, clever, or even serious behind it. It is amateurishness, wrapped in naïveté, inside credulity. In short, the very stuff of Nobels."
Monday, October 12, 2009
AOO Split on Prize
Our ObamaNation has learned that 2 allies of President Obama are split over whether the President deserves his selection as this years winner of the Nobel Peace Prize.
Venezuela's leader Hugo Chavez stated "For the first time, we are witnessing an award with the nominee having done nothing to deserve it: rewarding someone for a wish that is very far from becoming reality."
Cuba's Fidel Castro stated President Obama's policies have been "a positive measure" in bringing peace to the world.
This is the first time that these 2 leaders have been split in their praise and support for the actions of President Obama.
President Obama has been very active in his attempts to gain favor from both of these world leaders ranking them with Iran as the 3 leaders the President most admires and which he is committed to patterning his Presidency.
Venezuela's leader Hugo Chavez stated "For the first time, we are witnessing an award with the nominee having done nothing to deserve it: rewarding someone for a wish that is very far from becoming reality."
Cuba's Fidel Castro stated President Obama's policies have been "a positive measure" in bringing peace to the world.
This is the first time that these 2 leaders have been split in their praise and support for the actions of President Obama.
President Obama has been very active in his attempts to gain favor from both of these world leaders ranking them with Iran as the 3 leaders the President most admires and which he is committed to patterning his Presidency.
Saturday, October 10, 2009
Global Snow Out
An Our ObamaNation News Brief
Global Warming has resulted in earlier than normal snow fall in Denver. Game 3 of the Phillies-Rockies playoff on Saturday night October 10, 2009 has been postponed due to cold and snowy weather.
Nobel Peace Prize Winner Al Gore stated this is just one more indication that the earth has a fever.
Global Warming has resulted in earlier than normal snow fall in Denver. Game 3 of the Phillies-Rockies playoff on Saturday night October 10, 2009 has been postponed due to cold and snowy weather.
Nobel Peace Prize Winner Al Gore stated this is just one more indication that the earth has a fever.
Chicago Bumper Sticker
An Our ObamaNation News Brief
The most popular bumper stickers in Chicago are as follows:
The Olympics games are for sissies in throngs.
Chicago a product of Obama Community Organizing.
Work never on a Monday.
At least we are not Detroit.
My gang member killed your honor student.
The most popular bumper stickers in Chicago are as follows:
The Olympics games are for sissies in throngs.
Chicago a product of Obama Community Organizing.
Work never on a Monday.
At least we are not Detroit.
My gang member killed your honor student.
More Nobels
Our ObamaNation has learned that President, Community Organizer, and Nobel Citizen of the World Barack H'Insane ACORN Obama is strongly favored to win both the Nobel Prize for Medicine and the Nobel Prize for Economies.
In other news, serious consideration is being given to renaming the Nobel Prize the O'Hope Nobel Prize or for short the O'No Prize. Other names under consideration are the Oba Nobe Prize.
In other news, serious consideration is being given to renaming the Nobel Prize the O'Hope Nobel Prize or for short the O'No Prize. Other names under consideration are the Oba Nobe Prize.
Friday, October 9, 2009
Nobel Indeed

Our ObamaNation News Brief
President Barack Obama joins his father Yasser Arafat as a winner of the Nobel Peace Prize. Other winners of this prize include President Carter for his work on preventing North Korea from gaining access to nuclear weapons and Vice President Gore for diagnosing that the planet has a fever.
Our ObamaNation wishes to congratulate President Obama for all that the President has done in his 9 months in office to deserve this award.
President Obama will be presented in Oslo, Norway a cash prize and tickets to the 2016 Olympic games in Rio, Brazil.
President Obama's teleprompter finished fourth in the voting for this prize.
Wednesday, October 7, 2009
Doctors as Props

Our ObamaNation has learned that President, Community Organizer, and Citizen of the World Barack H'insane 'ACORN' Obama thinks health care reform consists of merely giving doctors white coats and having a picture taken using the doctors as mere props in a White House photo shot.
White House Press Secretary Robert 'Ogee' Gibbs stated the President was not being racism in having the doctors wear only white coats. Gibbs added the President is well aware that there is more to being a doctor than having a white coat. The President understands a doctor must have a stethoscope, also.
White House trick or treat is the Obama substitute for debate.
Mmm, mmm, mmm, Barack Hussein Obama
White House trick or treat
White coats on the domestic beat
White flags on an international retreat
White wash double speak then repeat
Tuesday, October 6, 2009
Not Much Awe
Our ObamaNation News Brief
Rich Cohen wrote the following:
"This is the president we now have: He inspires lots of affection but not a lot of awe. ... But the ultimate in realism is for the president to gauge himself and who he is: Does he have the stomach and commitment for what is likely to continue to be an unpopular war? Will he send additional troops, but hedge by not sending enough -- so that the dying will be in vain? What does he believe, and will he ask Americans to die for it? Only he knows the answers to these questions. But based on his zigzagging so far and the suggestion from the Copenhagen trip that the somber seriousness of the presidency has yet to sink in, we have reason to wonder."
Mmm, mmm, mmm, Barack Hussein Obama
Lots of talk
Lots of affection
Lots of vanity
Not a lot of awe
Blame Rio and Bush
Rich Cohen wrote the following:
"This is the president we now have: He inspires lots of affection but not a lot of awe. ... But the ultimate in realism is for the president to gauge himself and who he is: Does he have the stomach and commitment for what is likely to continue to be an unpopular war? Will he send additional troops, but hedge by not sending enough -- so that the dying will be in vain? What does he believe, and will he ask Americans to die for it? Only he knows the answers to these questions. But based on his zigzagging so far and the suggestion from the Copenhagen trip that the somber seriousness of the presidency has yet to sink in, we have reason to wonder."
Mmm, mmm, mmm, Barack Hussein Obama
Lots of talk
Lots of affection
Lots of vanity
Not a lot of awe
Blame Rio and Bush
The Vain First Couple
Our ObamaNation News Brief
George Will wrote the following on the Obamas' trip to Copenhagen to address the International Olympic Committee:
"In the 41 sentences of her remarks, Michelle Obama used some form of the personal pronouns "I" or "me" 44 times. Her husband was, comparatively, a shrinking violet, using those pronouns only 26 times in 48 sentences. Still, 70 times in 89 sentences conveyed the message that somehow their fascinating selves were what made, or should have made, Chicago's case compelling."
Mmm, mmm, mmm, Barack Hussein Obama
You're so vain
You probably think this post is about you
Don't you Don't you
George Will wrote the following on the Obamas' trip to Copenhagen to address the International Olympic Committee:
"In the 41 sentences of her remarks, Michelle Obama used some form of the personal pronouns "I" or "me" 44 times. Her husband was, comparatively, a shrinking violet, using those pronouns only 26 times in 48 sentences. Still, 70 times in 89 sentences conveyed the message that somehow their fascinating selves were what made, or should have made, Chicago's case compelling."
Mmm, mmm, mmm, Barack Hussein Obama
You're so vain
You probably think this post is about you
Don't you Don't you
Sunday, October 4, 2009
War of Necessity
Our ObamaNation has learned that President, Community Organizer, and Citizen of the World Barack H'insane 'ACORN' Obama stated the following on August 17, 2009:
"This is not a war of choice. This is a war of necessity. Those who attacked America on 9/11 are plotting to do so again. If left unchecked, the Taliban insurgency will mean an even larger safe haven from which al Qaeda would plot to kill more Americans. So this is not only a war worth fighting. This is fundamental to the defense of our people."
President Obama speaks the words that his teleprompter displays. Words without conviction are just talk.
Mmm, mmm, mmm, Barack Hussein Obama
Yesterday's War of Necessity
Today's War to Ignore
Tomorrow's War To Lose
Always Blame Rio and Bush
"This is not a war of choice. This is a war of necessity. Those who attacked America on 9/11 are plotting to do so again. If left unchecked, the Taliban insurgency will mean an even larger safe haven from which al Qaeda would plot to kill more Americans. So this is not only a war worth fighting. This is fundamental to the defense of our people."
President Obama speaks the words that his teleprompter displays. Words without conviction are just talk.
Mmm, mmm, mmm, Barack Hussein Obama
Yesterday's War of Necessity
Today's War to Ignore
Tomorrow's War To Lose
Always Blame Rio and Bush
Saturday, October 3, 2009
Unemployment IQ
Our ObamaNation has learned that for the first time in American history the unemployment rate is higher than the average Congressional IQ.
In our news, researchers have determined that being a member of Congress is among the highest paying jobs in America for those who are illiterate.
In our news, researchers have determined that being a member of Congress is among the highest paying jobs in America for those who are illiterate.
Mmm Mmm Mmm Barack Brazilian?
ObamaNation News Flash
Rumors are running ramped in DC today that President Obama is ready to reveal his official birth certificate showing conclusively the President was born in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.
President Obama wants this secret revealed so all citizens of the world understand the IOC awarded Rio the 2016 Olympic games to honor the President's birth place rather than being a slight to his Presidency.
The First Lady is pushing the President to reveal this family secret so others will understand why she is for the first time proud of being a citizen of the world.
Our ObamaNation has learned that the IOC has known since shortly after the 2008 November Presidential election that President Obama was born in Rio and is not the son of John Edwards as some claim.
Mmm, mmm, mmm, Barack Hussein Obama
Wee weed up
Gloves off
TelePrompter on
Talking his way out
Of a recycled wet paper bag
Rumors are running ramped in DC today that President Obama is ready to reveal his official birth certificate showing conclusively the President was born in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.
President Obama wants this secret revealed so all citizens of the world understand the IOC awarded Rio the 2016 Olympic games to honor the President's birth place rather than being a slight to his Presidency.
The First Lady is pushing the President to reveal this family secret so others will understand why she is for the first time proud of being a citizen of the world.
Our ObamaNation has learned that the IOC has known since shortly after the 2008 November Presidential election that President Obama was born in Rio and is not the son of John Edwards as some claim.
Mmm, mmm, mmm, Barack Hussein Obama
Wee weed up
Gloves off
TelePrompter on
Talking his way out
Of a recycled wet paper bag
Agony of Defeat
An ObamaNation News Brief
White House Press Secretary Robert Gibbs stated the President experienced the agony of Olympic defeat due to the following unforeseen factors:
IOC rejected the offer of the First Lady setting on their laps during the entire 2016 games.
IOC rejected having dead members of the IOC be allowed to vote.
IOC rejected the new IOC voting members that ACORN had registered around the world.
IOC rejected Oprah's offer of giving out Olympic tickets to her television audience for the games.
IOC rejected the President's offer to apologize for a former United States international mistake every time the United States won a medal.
Mmm, mmm, mmm, Barack Hussein Obama
He experienced the Agony of Defeat
In Denmark
In Afghanistan
In Iran
In Russia
In Gitmo
In Honduras
In the UN
He fooled America
He beat McCain
White House Press Secretary Robert Gibbs stated the President experienced the agony of Olympic defeat due to the following unforeseen factors:
IOC rejected the offer of the First Lady setting on their laps during the entire 2016 games.
IOC rejected having dead members of the IOC be allowed to vote.
IOC rejected the new IOC voting members that ACORN had registered around the world.
IOC rejected Oprah's offer of giving out Olympic tickets to her television audience for the games.
IOC rejected the President's offer to apologize for a former United States international mistake every time the United States won a medal.
Mmm, mmm, mmm, Barack Hussein Obama
He experienced the Agony of Defeat
In Denmark
In Afghanistan
In Iran
In Russia
In Gitmo
In Honduras
In the UN
He fooled America
He beat McCain
What Years Games?
An ObamaNation News Brief
Chief of Staff Rahm Emanuel stated the following:
"You know, we'll make sure they get some good seats once Chicago does host the games.''
Emanuel refused to elaborate on tickets for what years Olympic games.
Mmm, mmm, mmm, Barack Hussein Obama
He's wee weed up
The teleprompter's on
The sermon starts
The voice is strong
The words repeat
The message's wrong
The stance is weak
The speech is long
Chief of Staff Rahm Emanuel stated the following:
"You know, we'll make sure they get some good seats once Chicago does host the games.''
Emanuel refused to elaborate on tickets for what years Olympic games.
Mmm, mmm, mmm, Barack Hussein Obama
He's wee weed up
The teleprompter's on
The sermon starts
The voice is strong
The words repeat
The message's wrong
The stance is weak
The speech is long
Friday, October 2, 2009
Not Olympic Organizer
Our ObamaNation has learned that President, Community but Not Olympic Organizer, and Citizen of All But Denmark Barack H'insane 'ACORN' Obama is "disappointed".
Mmm, mmm, mmm, Barack Hussein Obama
Something rotten in Denmark
And the IOC thinks it's you
Mmm, mmm, mmm, Barack Hussein Obama
Something rotten in Denmark
And the IOC thinks it's you
Mmm Mmm Mmm Loser
Our ObamaNation News Brief
David Jackson wrote "He came, he spoke — and he finished last."
Mmm, mmm, mmm, Barack Hussein Obama
He got wee weed up and acted stupider
He's a Oprah sport but a Olympic loser
He finished last beaten by his teleprompter
He blamed it on Rio and Bush for his total failure
David Jackson wrote "He came, he spoke — and he finished last."
Mmm, mmm, mmm, Barack Hussein Obama
He got wee weed up and acted stupider
He's a Oprah sport but a Olympic loser
He finished last beaten by his teleprompter
He blamed it on Rio and Bush for his total failure
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