Thursday, January 21, 2010

Terrorist Lawyer on Board

Our ObamaNation New Brief

President Obama announced today that all flights having an Air Marshall must also have a lawyer on board.

White House Press Secretary Gibbs stated President Obama is committed to seeing that terrorists are read their Miranda rights and given a lawyer while still aboard the plane.

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

First Time Pride

An Our ObamaNation News Brief

The most common phrase heard in Massachusetts on January 20, 2010 is the following:

"For the first time in my adult life, I feel proud to be a Massachusetts resident."

Battleship OurObamaNation Sunk

An Our ObamaNation News Brief

The Battleship OurObamaNation sunk in Boston Harbor near the mouth of the Charles River in Massachusetts at 8:00 P.M. eastern standard time on January 19, 2010.

Initial reports are indicating the sinking was caused by a collision with a dark green truck and an old Oldsmobile. The driver of the truck was unhurt but the driver of the Oldsmobile appears to have vanished.

The Battleship OurObamaNation was commissioned to supply lawyers to suspected terrorists during combat conditions.

Brown Scotts on Back of Pants

An Our ObamaNation News Brief:

Most Democrats around the country including all those elected to public office are reporting large Brown Scotts on the back of their pants.

White House Press Secretary Robert Gibbs stated President Obama arose today to learn they was not a single pair of pants in the White House that was not soiled with Brown Scotts.

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Democrats Far Left

Our ObamaNation News Brief

Senator Bayh stated that the far left has taken over Democratic Party.

Senator Scott Brown Wins

Senator Scott Brown wins.

Thank you Senator Brown.

Thank you Massachusetts.

Thank you America.

Monday, January 18, 2010

Kennedy for Marcia

An Our ObamaNation News Brief

Congress Patrick Kennedy has decided to support Marcia Coakley rather than Martha Coakley for his father's former Senate seat.

Congress Kennedy added he considered voting for Joseph Kennedy, an independent candidate, but after careful consideration has decided that Marcia Coakley as a write-in is his best choice. Kennedy stated that Marcia unlike Martha is aware than Curt Schilling is not a Yankee fan.

Saturday, January 16, 2010

Coakley as Witch Hunter

An OurObamaNation News Brief

The Radio Equalizer Brian Maloney wrote the following:

"Coakley's role in the imprisonment of Gerald 'Tookie' Amirault is all the more inexcusable when one considers that wild accusations of child sex abuse at the Fells Acres Day School were widely discredited by the time she became involved in the case. Even when it was clear Amirault was innocent, Coakley lobbied Acting Governor Jane Swift to keep Tookie behind bars for an extra two years."

Palin as Einstein - Coakley as Moron

An ObamaNation News Brief

In her campaign for Senator Kennedy's former Massachusetts Senate seat, Candidate Martha Coakley by comparison makes former Governor Sarah Palin look like Albert Einstein.

Coakley is now on record stating 1) there are currently no terrorist or Al-Qaeda in Afghanistan, 2) Catholics be not allowed to work in emergency rooms, and 3) Curt Schilling is a Yankee fan.

The woman is either out of touch or a complete moron. Either way she is unfit to serve.

Vote Scott Brown.

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Insane and Unbelievable

An Our ObamaNation News Brief

Charles Krauthammer state the following:

"It is beyond disconcerting. It's insane. Here is a guy who . . . the administration has admitted was trained, armed in Yemen, recruited in London. We closed our embassy [in Yemen] this week, presumably because there are active threats emanating out of al-Qaeda, the same people involved in his [Abdulmutallab’s] mission."

"Here is a guy who presumably knows stuff. At least he knows who trained him and who armed him and who was around him. He says there were other plots. The idea that you give him his rights is simply unbelievable."

Dot Dot Dot

An Our Obamanation News Brief

The alleged President of the United States Barack 'ACORN' Obama stated the following:

"Our intelligence community failed to connect the dots."

White House Press Secretary Robert Gibbs stated the 6 Guantanamo terrorist sent to Yemen right before Christmas will be the last we release to Yemen at least until al-Qaeda requests more recruits to perform human caused disasters.

Sunday, January 3, 2010

Embassy in Yemen Closed

An Our ObamaNation News Brief

The Obamerica Embassy in Yemen has been allegedly closed due to the threat of a man made disaster. White House officials have determined the full size image of President Obama bowing in front of the embassy may simply not be enough to deter the potential man made disaster that is being planned.

Saturday, January 2, 2010

Getting Obama Tough on Disasters

An Our ObamaNation News Brief

When the alleged President of the United States gets back from a very long vacation in Hawaii he plans to attempt to find time in his busy schedule to address his administration's lax attitude towards human caused disasters such as one that almost occurred on Flight 253 over Detroit on Christmas Day.

White House Press Secretary Robert Gibbs stated the President Obama is considering getting as tough on those who attempt to blow up planes over American cities as he now is in stopping the tea party gatherings. Gibbs added the President is dedicated to stopping all those who oppose his plans for health care, cap and trade, and unlimited federal spending but does understand that although the terrorist love the President and side with his policies they still must be stopped from celebrating his election as President by blowing up planes full of Americans. Gibbs explained the President is having a hard time moving forward and realizing the acts of domestic violence and hatred for America Obama so admired in his friends and spiritual leaders in Chicago are not as well suited for a decade where he is the one in power.

Obamerica as Joke

An Our ObamaNation News Brief

The White House is ordering all Obamericans when traveling abroad to bow to every person they meet.

White House Press Secretary Robert Gibbs stated President Obama is convinced that the only effective device we are as nation have to combat the conversion of otherwise normal people to become terrorists against America is to follow the President's lead and for every American to bow to everyone who is not an American.

In fact as part of the new health care bill, the President is proposing that every American be forced to have free back operation so that Americans when standing will have a bowed stature.